As the Facilitator it is my role to guide the client and the representatives during the constellation. At any point you can raise your hand and ask for clarification or help. This work is always a collaboration.
Do not worry if you are doing it right or wrong. Whatever happens in the constellation is helpful information. If you feel nothing that might be exactly what is needed in the constellation.
All the energies we are connected with during the constellation flow more easily through us when we are centered and grounded.
Most of what we experience in Family Constellations is felt. Allow yourself to feel your body. If you what you are representing needs to stand or move, please do so. You can always ask for help or guidance while representing.
Take care of yourself during the constellation. Don’t go too deep into your representation or stay physically uncomfortable during the process.
I will ask you questions when needed about how you are feeling or suggest sentences. If the sentence is not right, you can change it to what feels right to what you are representing or not say it.
The more clearly you can express what you are feeling in your representation the better. Put aside your interpretations, judgements or pity during the process. Our goal is to acknowledge what is.
Please do not channel or use any mediumship during the constellations if you are gifted in that way. Stay with the feelings of what you are representing in the family system.
When the process is complete, please let go of what you are representing and step back. If you have any trouble with this let me know. Often you can keep something of the role for yourself as a gift.
After the constellation is over, please do not offer the client your insights. I will usually offer some very safe and general comments or homework suggestions to them that doesn’t take from their experience or movement.