In recent years I have been offering more myofascial release techniques in my practice. There has been a dramatic increase in our knowledge of the fascia and how to support changes to this essential part of our bodies.
Fascia is the soft tissue that provides support and protection for most structures within the human body, including muscle, bones, joints, circulatory system and all our organs. The fascial system is also a vast communication network for our bodies and help us to feel ourselves. This connective tissue can become restricted due to stress, injuries, overuse, trauma, disease, or inactivity, often resulting in pain, muscle tension, and corresponding diminished blood flow. In addition, pain can also come from 'trigger points' that are formed where a contraction of muscle fibers has occurred.
Myofascial Release unwinds the chronic tension held in the fascia that wraps around muscles, bones and joints. The goal of Myofascial Release is to stretch and loosen the fascia so |
that muscles, bones and joints can move more freely, trigger points are released and the client's motion is restored.
It is a form of soft tissue therapy used to treat contracted fascia that results in pain and restriction of motion. We move and stretch the fascia in specific ways that allow for sustainable changes. Recent science is showing that fascia is behind many people's back pain. These studies are focusing on the role of the thoracolumbar fascia in back pain. This diamond-shaped fascial sheet covers the deep muscles of the back and hips. When it becomes restricted, the thoracolumbar fascia creates pain and limits movement in the lower back. Myofascial release and specific stretching can change this fascia into a more flexible and healthy tissue, which thereby reduces pain. The benefits of myofasial release include: