Our online workshops will allow you to experience the power of Family Constellations to find solutions for your challenging family and generational issues. Participants come from countries all around the world and from diverse backgrounds to meet together virtually.
The different workshop topics offered give you an opportunity to develop a deeper understanding of how those issues affected your childhood, your adult life, as well as those who came before you (sometime going back many generations). These online therapeutic workshops can include lectures, discussions, meditations, exercises and Family Constellations experiences on a specific topic with notes and charts provided afterward. When we setup an online Family Constellation during the workshop we begin with a seeker (or issue holder) who would like to explore the issue in their own family system. Then, other participants volunteer to represent family members, ancestors, events, or significant conditions. The remaining participants become the witnesses. Together, we observe the feeling, words and interactions of these representatives to uncover the dynamics related to the issue. As the facilitator, I guide the Family Constellations process by asking discerning and intuitive questions, adding additional representatives and recommending healing sentences to find a therapeutic resolution to these complex family issues. More about Family Constellations |
We offer a number of discounts, packages and affordable payment plans for these online workshops.
We will also be offering Monthly Online Workshops without topics that are open to any issue presented. Barry Krost, MA has been successfully leading Family Constellation workshops since 2009. |