Alternatives for Healing
A Leading Holistic and Alternative Medicine Resource Directory
Guided Meditation & Relaxation Resources
"Self-Forgiveness Meditation," by Jack Kornfield. A short and effective guided meditation on how to forgive our self. Self-forgiveness is essential to increasing our self-love.
"Guided Relaxation" by Kelly Howell. Within minutes you'll feel muscles relax, fears vanish and stress fade. With over 60 bestselling audio programs published worldwide, Kelly Howell is internationally acclaimed for her pioneering work in healing and mind expansion. (also on iTunes)
"The remarkable health benefits of Epsom salt bath". Using Epsom salt baths is an advanced detoxification strategy that has remarkable health benefits.
Homeopathy, Herbs, and Helpful Supplements (Check with your Doctor)
Ashwagandha. This restorative Ayurvedic herb extract is a potent adaptogen, helping the body to respond and adapt to the physical and mental stress that plagues our busy lifestyles
Cortisol Manager - Stress Hormone Stabilizer. Cortisol Manager stress hormone stabilizer combines stress-reducing ingredients and cortisol-lowering botanicals to help reduce stress and relieve occasional sleeplessness.
Articles on the Vagus Nerve
The Soothing Vagus: How Our Wandering Nerve Returns Us To Calm
Activating The Vagus Nerve
Other Articles on Health
Eating To Support Your Adrenal Glands
A Leading Holistic and Alternative Medicine Resource Directory
Guided Meditation & Relaxation Resources
"Self-Forgiveness Meditation," by Jack Kornfield. A short and effective guided meditation on how to forgive our self. Self-forgiveness is essential to increasing our self-love.
"Guided Relaxation" by Kelly Howell. Within minutes you'll feel muscles relax, fears vanish and stress fade. With over 60 bestselling audio programs published worldwide, Kelly Howell is internationally acclaimed for her pioneering work in healing and mind expansion. (also on iTunes)
"The remarkable health benefits of Epsom salt bath". Using Epsom salt baths is an advanced detoxification strategy that has remarkable health benefits.
Homeopathy, Herbs, and Helpful Supplements (Check with your Doctor)
Ashwagandha. This restorative Ayurvedic herb extract is a potent adaptogen, helping the body to respond and adapt to the physical and mental stress that plagues our busy lifestyles
Cortisol Manager - Stress Hormone Stabilizer. Cortisol Manager stress hormone stabilizer combines stress-reducing ingredients and cortisol-lowering botanicals to help reduce stress and relieve occasional sleeplessness.
Articles on the Vagus Nerve
The Soothing Vagus: How Our Wandering Nerve Returns Us To Calm
Activating The Vagus Nerve
Other Articles on Health
Eating To Support Your Adrenal Glands