Ortho-Bionomy is known as a gentle way of releasing acute and chronic muscle painIt uses specific tender points and precise joint positions to help muscles release the tension that is causing pain. This also promotes relaxation throughout the body and helps restore the natural functioning of all your other body systems.
In Ortho-Bionomy we look for ways to support the bodies natural ability to repair itself. While focusing on pain reduction and increased joint movement, we can also support healthy arrangement of all of the bones and joints, tendon and ligaments so they can work together more easily. It also benefits the fascia that holds everything together and includes most of our pain and sensory receptors, the circulatory system, endocrine system, digestive system and the lymphatic systems. During an Ortho-Bionomy session you may find yourself in a deep state of relaxation with a greater inner awareness and balance of body, mind and spirit. During an Ortho-Bionomy session we pay close attention to how your body responds and repairs itself naturally.We observe how the points and positions that are used engage your natural capacity to release pain and restore better physical function.
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The founder of Ortho-Bionomy, Arthur Lincoln Pauls, D.O., noticed that the body has an innate intelligence that can self-correct itself.
He developed Ortho-Bionomy's in the 1970's as a gentle approach to help the body self-correct by carefully observing and exaggerating the physical restrictions behind muscle and joint pain without causing more pain. Ortho-Bionomy addresses energetic imbalances and blockages that cause pain and restriction.Through subtle positioning and movement, energy blockages can be released, and energetic balance restored. We often find a connection between the physical and energetic that is causing acute or chronic pain and help the body come back to a healthy balance it can maintain.
Most clients experience significant improvement to their pain in 1-3 sessions depending on individual factors. Each client gets a unique session that matches their bodies needs. |
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